Tag Archives: TONES

30 MEMBERS AND A DECISION The dissonant tones in crisis personnel are becoming more pronounced, and the clock ticks faster and faster at midnight, what measurements are on the table FOR THE NEW YEAR

[ad_1] The New Year is just around the corner, and the question of all questions is which of the two sides will prevail: the medical or financial side of crisis personnel? The final decision on how we will celebrate the holidays should be made on Monday, and it seems that …

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“THE STUPIDITY MENTIONED BY THE TONES” Dr. Tiodorović never sharpens speculation that the STRICTEST MEASURE AGAINST THE CROWN will be introduced on October 1

[ad_1] This morning, speculation appeared in some Belgrade media that the state of emergency could be reintroduced in our country, neither less nor more than on October 1. However, this news was quickly denied by crisis personnel. Namely, the media wrote that a state of emergency could be reintroduced, which …

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