Tag Archives: theories

We are the third country in Europe where vaccination has begun, but the BAD have unraveled their CONSPIRACY THEORIES as “It’s drinking water” or “You took the old women for guinea pigs”.

[ad_1] On the historic day for Serbia, when our country became the third European country to start vaccination against the corona virus, which changed all our lives and claimed a large number of lives, social media once again spread the theories of the conspiracy. What is it? Namely, Prime Minister …

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Hoti: Based on conspiracy theories.

[ad_1] Rahovec / Orahovac – Kosovo Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti assessed that the study presented to the European Parliament’s Foreign Policy Committee was based on conspiracy theories. Source: Beta Monday, December 7, 2020 | 17:20 EPA-EFE / VALDRIN XHEMAJ He said the study was not true and did not represent …

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Dr. Nestorović states: “The virus will not return, and if it does return, then conspiracy theories will become correct, Exit and Guca will certainly occur” | Society

[ad_1] Dr. Branimir Nestorović presented his views on the current situation and the post-epidemic period. Dr. Branimir Nestorović, as a guest on B92 TV, presented his views on the current situation and the post-epidemic period. Responding to the question of whether we have defeated the corona virus, Nestorović replied that …

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