Tag Archives: test

When the polygraph is corona, and when the test is insufficient

[ad_1] In the case of Jovanjic, these days, in addition to coups, another topic of interest to the government and pro-government tabloids is current: the polygraph. According to the announcement of the President of Serbia, two policemen who participated in the arrest of the owner of Jovanjica, Predrag Koluvija, could …

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This morning, 205 citizens entered Serbia without a PCR test

[ad_1] Photo: AMSS Printscreen, Shutterstock. This morning, 205 Serbian citizens entered Serbia without CP tests, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić said, explaining that these citizens will be in self-isolation and controlled for the next ten days. Brnabić said they will be able to move freely even before that ten-day period expires, …

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