Tag Archives: TABLE

RTS :: Property on the Brussels table

[ad_1] The lake on which most of Kosovo’s economy and population depend: some 800,000 inhabitants of the province drink water from Gazivoda, and almost half of the north receives electricity from the Gazivoda hydroelectric plant. Without that water, the Obilić thermal power plant could not function. Belgrade produces water and …

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THE COMMUNITY OF SERB MUNICIPALITIES (SSO) has been serving Pristina for blackmail and conditioning for SEVEN YEARS in “STAND BAY”, and has now been returned to the BRUSSEL TABLE

[ad_1] The Union of Serbian Municipalities (ZSO) is once again at the negotiating table in Belgrade and Pristina after a long time. Yesterday, in the talks between the representatives of the two parties, as the President of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić said, new topics were opened. – One is the Association …

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An economic plan worth several billion euros is on the table in Washington

[ad_1] The Serbian delegation, led by President Aleksandar Vučić, is in Washington. As TV Prva unofficially finds out, there is an economic plan worth several billion euros on the table. The United States wants to strengthen Serbia through infrastructure connections, opening factories. Photo: Twitter, National Security Council / TanjugReunion, Washington …

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