Tag Archives: supposed

Unknown details of Vladimir Vuletic’s interrogation were revealed: Just when he was supposed to be “hooked” to the polygraph, a reversal occurred.

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/NI DATE AND TIME: 11.03.2021. 09:39 – 11.03.2021. 09:45 The well-known black journalist Mladen Mijatović said today that the state is determined to deal with organized crime. Mladen Mijatović, Photo: TV Pink / Printscreen On television, Pinik Mijatović stressed that there are no protected people in this fight …

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THIS IS ANASTASIA – YOUR IMAGE FROM THE SAND IS CIRCULATING IN SERBIA! He called the MAIL: They told me to take off my clothes, what was I supposed to do?

[ad_1] Victim Anastasia M., Photo: Private archives, Social networks The scandalous photo of a half-naked patient suffering from kovid, which was shared on social media in the previous days, shocked the public, and authorities say they will do everything possible to discover and punish the person who took and shared …

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DELAYED VARIETIES MACRO TEST They were supposed to testify, but they didn’t come! Maksimovic does not look like himself arrested, changed this

[ad_1] Photo: Aleksandar Cile Jovanović, Profimedia The trial of Mihajlo Maksimovic, accused of cheating on several girls, has been postponed before the Belgrade High Court, because the two injured parties working for him did not appear and should have been heard as witnesses. Maksimovic’s defense proposed that he be released …

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He was supposed to receive 1,000 euros a month for the next 2 years.

[ad_1] BELGRADE – By order of the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office, after several months of prior investigation, police officers from the Ministry of the Interior, Police Directorate, Service for the Fight against Organized Crime arrested two people today: DJN, Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Serbia for bribery …

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