Tag Archives: streets

ANTIKOVIDAŠ AND ANTIMASKER AT THE HOSPITAL BY THE CROWN From a hospital bed in Switzerland, he is calling on people in Serbia to take to the streets against the measures. (VIDEO)

[ad_1] The character and work of Goran Pantelić (42), one of the most famous conspiracy theorists on kovid 19 and opponent of epidemiological measures, shows how crazy the fight is between anti-maskers and anti-vaxers. Unfortunately, the Valjevo guest worker donned the mask only when he ended up in a hospital …

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Vulin announced: Starting tonight, more police in the streets

[ad_1] Belgrade – The Interior Minister says that the police will be on the streets in greater numbers tonight, when the new measures for the suppression of the coronavirus come into force. Source: Tanjug Tuesday, November 17, 2020 | 09:08 Photo: Illustration / EPA-EFE / FEHIM DEMIR According to Aleksandar …

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Gendarmerie in the streets of Shida! (PHOTO / VIDEO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Tanjug/NA DATE AND TIME: 13.11.2020. 12:01 – 13.11.2020. 12:22 The Ministry of the Interior is there to take care of and ensure that the citizens’ day-to-day runs normally. Sid, Photo: MUP Srbije Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin He said today that the police ensure every day that the citizens …

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“When 10,000 infected people walk the streets of the city, it is better to stay home!” Dr. Kon is persistently asking for a BAN to be introduced, this is what it means and what it means

[ad_1] Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon has been persistently emphasizing in recent days that “we need a ban on contacts,” and yesterday he appealed, especially to belgraders, to act as if a “motion ban measure was in place. “. What exactly does it mean to ban contacts? Is it just a …

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