Tag Archives: statement

Albanians are turning against Biden over statement on NATO bombing

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/IL DATE AND TIME: 27.10.2020. 11:30 In the letter, Trump’s rival and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden is accused of doing nothing while he was vice president of Barack Obama. Donald Tramp, Jo Bajden, Photo: Profimedia / EPA / Pixabay / illustration The organization “Albanians for Trump” sent …

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Rama is “horrified” by Vulin’s statement – Politics

[ad_1] The Prime Minister of Albania, Edi Rama, on the occasion of the statement of the Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, stated that he was “horrified” when he realized that it was not a joke and that Vulin used a pejorative name for the Albanians: “Shiptars”, reports Kossev. Type: …

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Edi Rama Vulin’s statement is not a joke

[ad_1] Aleksandar Vulin’s statement, officially posted on the Serbian Defense Ministry website, that Rama is working to create a bigger Albania, that only united Serbs can stop, and that what the international community cannot forbid to the Albanians to Serbs, provoked reactions from Kosovo officials and Albanian Prime Minister Edi …

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