Tag Archives: statement

Jelisaveta Vasilić on the statement to the Serbian Telegraph

[ad_1] Jelisaveta Vasilic, a member of the Anti-Corruption Council, said the Serbian Telegraph’s claim that the Anti-Corruption Council “required an urgent investigation” into the property of Freedom and Justice Party (SAA) leader Dragan Djilas was incorrect and that the statement was “obvious. “. , who gave that list, tour. Serbian …

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The murderers shamefully change the statement, the younger brother of the deceased: “How can you not be ashamed ?!”

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Blic/M. Š. DATE AND TIME: 28.11.2020. 17:02 – 28.11.2020. 17:11 The trial in the murder case of 18-year-old Stefan Filić, indicting Nikola Bojović (20) and Mitar Pandurović (20) of Velika Plana, continued yesterday before the High Court of Smederevo. Stefan Filić, Photo: Facebook Print Screen In yesterday’s hearing, …

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ATTACKS BY SERBIAN BARBARISM ON GUNJ AND NEMANJIĆ: Strong reactions to the scandalous statement of the professor on the monument to the creator of the Serbian state

[ad_1] The retired professor at the University of Belgrade, Srbijanka Turajlic, joined these “arguments” already known and well-known, with which a part of the national public, mostly “other Serbian” and “civil”, attacked the monument for months to the founder of the Serbian state in Sava Square. She is just the …

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Legendary Moka literally nailed the Croats with his statement

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/IS DATE AND TIME: 14.11.2020. 19:40 – 14.11.2020. 19:52 Serbian basketball is by far the best in the former Yugoslavia. Zoran moka Slavnić said goodbye to Miša Ognjanović, Photo: Dejan Briza / Hello The legendary Yugoslav and Serbian basketball player and coach, Zoran “Moka” Slavnić, spoke to the …

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RFE: NATO Officials Refuse to Comment on Serbian President’s Statement on Kosovo-Nagorno Karabakh Parallel – Politics

[ad_1] NATO officials declined to comment on Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić’s statement on the Kosovo-Nagorno Karabakh parallel, Radio Free Europe (RFE) reported tonight. Write: FoNetNovember 12, 2020. 21.23 Photo: EPA / ZURAB KURTSIKIDZE When asked by RSE how the Alliance views the parallel that Vucic drew between Kosovo and Nagorno …

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