Tag Archives: stabbed

Identified man who stabbed girl, BOTH HAVE THICK FILES!

[ad_1] You are not satisfied with the situation at work: you cannot find a common language with your colleagues and the work is slow. You are in love and happy with the relationship. … To avoid problems with colleagues, he consciously adapts and gives in. You dedicate yourself to your …

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The girl denied having stabbed her grandmother with a knife

[ad_1] VM (27) from Ševica near Kučevo, who was arrested yesterday on suspicion of trying to kill her grandmother MD, was questioned at the Požaevac Superior Prosecutor’s Office, and it was proposed that she remain in pre-trial detention. As we learn, she denied having stabbed her grandmother in the stomach …

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A man stabbed to death in a shed next to his home

[ad_1] You are not interested in work. You need a vacation and enjoy it. You are happy with your relationship with your loved one. She is very worried about finances, but she doesn’t want to … You are considering business plans. He is quite attracted to the idea of ​​business …

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