Tag Archives: SPS

WHAT DID VUCIC TELL THE SPS? They say that the socialists are the biggest losers and that they are also threatened by a CALCULUS abroad, but things will really be clear only in 2022.

[ad_1] One of the biggest unknowns regarding the new government, in what format the Socialist Party of Serbia will participate in the political scene, was finally resolved yesterday. They obtained a department, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, as well as the ministry without portfolio and the position …

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Dacic: SPS and SNS together in the 2022 elections.

[ad_1] In the extraordinary parliamentary and presidential and ordinary municipal elections of 2022, the Socialists should present themselves united to the Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), because if the opposition joins, it is logical that we also have a front, the president of the Parliament Ivica told TV Kurir Dacic. He …

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TODAY, D-DAY FOR THE NEW GOVERNMENT At least 50 percent of the departments will be headed by women, in the coalition of both Sapic and SPS?

[ad_1] The new Serbian government, headed by Ana Brnabić, will be made up of 50 percent women, two new ministries and, presumably, Šapić’s coalition of progressives, socialists and SPAS. After almost four months since the parliamentary elections were held, today, after the session of the Presidency of the Serbian Progressive …

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