Tag Archives: Shida

HERE THERE WERE NO CROWNS In the town near Shida, everything is “overflowing” with work, they say they have never been better, they grew 10%, they were looking for more workers, but they also have their PAIN

[ad_1] Although it sounds incredible for someone to tell you that 2020 was one of the best years so far, there are cases of this type. And we are not talking only about individuals and companies, but about the place and city in Serbia where they claim that the previous …

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Gendarmerie in the streets of Shida! (PHOTO / VIDEO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Tanjug/NA DATE AND TIME: 13.11.2020. 12:01 – 13.11.2020. 12:22 The Ministry of the Interior is there to take care of and ensure that the citizens’ day-to-day runs normally. Sid, Photo: MUP Srbije Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin He said today that the police ensure every day that the citizens …

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