Tag Archives: scientists

SHOCK! THE WORLD WAS TAKEN BY OTHER DANGEROUS CORONAVIRES AND CAUSED PANDEMIES! Scientists have discovered something that will affect the fight against a dangerous virus!

[ad_1] One possibility is that this “flu” was actually a coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, four strains of coronavirus are responsible for about 20 to 30 percent of colds today, with far more death in the past. Epidemiologists believe that all four coronaviruses have been circulating among humans for the past few …

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Scientists in Canada find antibodies to cure Kovid virus 19

[ad_1] Scientists in Canada have found antibodies that can be used to cure the new coronavirus, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said. Trudeau noted that clinical trials could start in early July, In his regular address to the nation, the Canadian Prime Minister emphasized that the authorities will continue to …

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Space Wave Scientists | Reportage

[ad_1] Tanjug | May 02, 2020 10:43 PM | Comments: 0 0 The magnet of the Milky Way neutron star constellation, called SGR 1935 + 2154, may have helped solve the mystery of fast-moving deep-space radio signals that have puzzled astronomers for years. The magnet of the Milky Way neutron …

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Scientists trace the source of mysterious signals from space

[ad_1] Observatories around the world recorded an explosion of incredibly clear milliseconds of radio waves on April 28, followed by clear X-ray emissions, according to a scientific journal. Sayjens Alert. Astronomers are still analyzing the data obtained, but most agree that this event could finally detect the source of fast …

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Scientists trace the source of radio waves from space

[ad_1] Science 23:01 Date of incorporation 01.05.2020Download the shortest link The magnet of the Milky Way neutron star constellation, called SGR 1935 + 2154, may have helped solve the mystery of fast-moving deep-space radios that have puzzled astronomers for years. Observatories around the world recorded an explosion of incredibly clear …

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Giant bald black holes behave just like scientists assumed

[ad_1] Media playback on your device is not supported Media captionIllustration OJ 287: The smallest black hole is drilled through the accretion disk twice every twelve years By studying how the two black holes move around each other, astronomers have been able to convince themselves of the key predictions of …

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Swedish scientists: cancer reduces pedophile drive

[ad_1] A new Swedish study shows that a drug commonly used to treat prostate cancer could significantly reduce the risk of pedophiles abusing children. Source: Tanjug Wednesday, 04/29/2020 | 21:51 Illustration: Depositphotos / VadimVasenin Swedish scientists say the drug degarelix significantly reduces testosterone levels, reducing pedophile drive and sexual desire. …

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