Tag Archives: scientists

Scientists have discovered what they FEAR the most

[ad_1] What would the future of people and machines look like? American billionaire Elon Musk believes it would involve connecting the human brain directly to a computer, but neuroscientists believe that is easier said than done, writes “Invers.” Musk and his team at the secret company “Neuralink” demonstrated on August …

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Scientists have created an antibody that could beat the corona virus

[ad_1] https://cdn1.img.rs.sputniknews.com/img/112230/70/1122307077_0:200:1920:1280_1200x675_80_0_0_b898469e205b169eb05ea026acc1c73d.jpg Sputnik Serbia https://cdn2.img.rs.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png satelite https://cdn2.img.rs.sputniknews.com/i/logo.png https://rs.sputniknews.com/svet/202005051122504554-naucnici-kreirali-antitelo-koje-bi-moglo-da-pobedi-virus-korona/ A group of Dutch and German scientists from the University of Utrecht synthesized an experimental monoclonal antibody that can defeat the coronavirus under laboratory conditions, writes the journal “Nature Communications”. According to scientists, the antibody, called 47D11, is directed at the “spines” …

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A CRITICAL DISCOVERY IN THE FIGHT AGAINST THE VIRUS CROWN: Scientists in the Netherlands have managed to do something REVOLUTIONARY! | The latest news

[ad_1] A team of scientists discovered an antibody that prevents the new corona virus from infecting human cells in a ground-breaking study that could lead to the development of new drugs. Based on existing research on the SARS coronavirus, scientists at Utrecht University in the Netherlands, Erasmus Medical Center and …

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