Tag Archives: SCIENTIST

After the second dose of the cancer vaccine, protection is boosted up to 12 times! Our scientist TESTED THE IMMUNE SYSTEM ON HIMSELF

[ad_1] branislav, Photo: EPA / Lukasz Gagulski Slobodan Bubnjevic, science journalist and physicist, measured anti-fabric after the first and second doses of the Chinese Sinofarm coronavirus vaccine and concluded that already on the twentieth day after the first dose he had sufficient protection, that is, the IgG antibody titer against …

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The world-renowned Serbian scientist Dr. Milanko Shekler was the only one who read the crown: he explained in detail which vaccine works and which one damages the organism

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/DS DATE AND TIME: 17.12.2020. 08:29 World-renowned Serbian scientist Dr. Milanko Shekler, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, was the first, with his team of experts at the Institute of Veterinary Specialists in Kraljevo, to read the genome of the coronavirus in Serbia, which is entered into the database of …

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The famous scientist predicted the catastrophe in 1972, arrived in Belgrade and said: “The end of the world will happen in 2020” (PHOTO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/ Index.hr/ MG DATE AND TIME: 10.12.2020. 18:01 Photo: PrintscreenYoutube “Around 2020, there will be a sharp decline in population growth and the extinction of animals and plant vegetation. The inhabitants of our planet will suffocate in smog around 2000, and a large percentage of carbon dioxide in …

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