Tag Archives: sad

KONTIC DEFENSE OBSTACLE INVESTIGATION The perpetrator freely left the Public Prosecutor’s Office a month ago, and because of them, the investigation into the brutal beating in Novi Sad is NOW

[ad_1] The request of the defense of Ivan Kontić (30), suspected of brutally beating Miljan M. (28) in Novi Sad, for the exemption of the competent prosecutors, has temporarily suspended the investigation before the Prosecutor’s Office due to this beating, has known “Blic”. That is, for almost two weeks, the …

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THE MYSTERY OF OSEČINA’S RASPBERRY LIQUIDATION A prominent Novi Sad resident shot him while they were talking, and it is being investigated if a TRIANGLE OF LOVE is behind it all

[ad_1] Radovan S. (55) from Novi Sad, accused of the murder of Milovan Marinkovic (52) on Sunday in Gunjaci near Osecina, has been placed in pre-trial detention and the motive for the crime is being investigated, either for adultery or for having persecuted to the suspect’s wife. Suspect Radovan S. …

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