Tag Archives: Russian

He wears the colors of the Russian tricolor, he will be able to stay in the air until 7 o’clock, and for this the VIDEO will be used.

[ad_1] The new technology will allow the integration of a hybrid engine, an electromechanical transmission system, an advanced aircraft piloting system and a combined control, which in fact will represent a synergy between the pilot and the artificial intelligence system. “Such systems are supposed to provide a much more efficient …

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“I COOKED A NEWBORN AND I SUCKED HIM IN A PLANE” Putin told Macron that I was poisoned by Navalny, this is what the leader of the Russian opposition says about it.

[ad_1] Alexei Navalny may have poisoned himself, Russian President Vladimir Putin allegedly told his French counterpart Emanuel Macron during a telephone conversation. According to the Moscow daily “The Moscow Times”, which was referring to the newsroom of the French daily “Le Monde”, Putin told Macron that it was possible that …

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This is who only the Russian head of state apologized to!

[ad_1] Photo: EPA / Andrej Cukić, AP / Alexei Nikolsky The BBC thus recalls that on October 26, 2002, Putin publicly apologized to citizens after the attack on the Dubrovnik theater, where Chechen extremists took the spectators of the musical “Northeast” hostage, and that he apologized to the relatives. Victims …

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What was the Russian army doing in Serbia?

[ad_1] Major General Mikhail Chernyshov, who led the Russian Defense Ministry’s expert team in the fight against the coronavirus in Serbia, estimates that members of the Serbian army as experts are very well prepared and that the ABHO Air Force battalion has reached the level of the Russian army team. …

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