Tag Archives: regime

Djilas: the Vučić regime owed each citizen 5,040 euros

[ad_1] The leader of the Freedom and Justice party, Dragan Djilas, said that the official debt of Serbia today is 27,000 million euros, that is, since 2012 Serbia also owes another 12,000 million. He added that Serbia’s real debt is much higher, because the official ones do not include the …

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INFLUENTIAL ITALIAN MAGAZINE NAKED THE MILE REGIME: Djukanovic turned Montenegro into a hotbed of mafia and crime, and these are the greatest kings of the underworld

[ad_1] – Galloping public debt, various corruption scandals affecting the prime minister’s inner circle and reports from the European Commission and international institutions confirming the country’s democratic failures … This is Djukanovic’s Montenegro, which prosecutors from Bari and Naples have previously convicted of international cigarette smuggling. “Il Fatto Quotidiano”. The …

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