Tag Archives: refused

The Montenegrin government has refused to donate 10,000 Chinese vaccines

[ad_1] The Montenegrin government rejected a donation of 10,000 vaccines from Chinese manufacturer Sinofarm, owner of Adriatic Properties and Universal Capital Bank Petros Statis, and the opposition called the government’s decision politically motivated. Vaccination against the coronavirus has not yet started in Montenegro. The government, as announced, rejected the Statis …

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NO VOTE ON AMENDMENTS TO THE LAW The SEC of Montenegro refused to verify the mandate of the “Black and White” deputy, citizens in front of the Assembly do not agree

[ad_1] Tonight, on the occasion of the protest of the so-called Patriotic forces in front of the Assembly, they undertook intensified activities to secure the parliament and allow the institutions of the system to carry out their work without hindrance, writes “Vijesti”. Furthermore, members of the police are carrying out …

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And then he refused to talk about it on television.

[ad_1] Talks about the formation of a new government will continue after the visit of the US delegation to Serbia, which will also include special envoy Richard Grenel, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said tonight, adding that media accusations about personal solutions in the new government are wrong. “Everything that is …

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