Tag Archives: protection

After the second dose of the cancer vaccine, protection is boosted up to 12 times! Our scientist TESTED THE IMMUNE SYSTEM ON HIMSELF

[ad_1] branislav, Photo: EPA / Lukasz Gagulski Slobodan Bubnjevic, science journalist and physicist, measured anti-fabric after the first and second doses of the Chinese Sinofarm coronavirus vaccine and concluded that already on the twentieth day after the first dose he had sufficient protection, that is, the IgG antibody titer against …

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Criminals were left without powerful protection in state organs

[ad_1] The Speaker of the Serbian Assembly, Ivica Dačić, declared today that the arrested members of the criminal group Veljko Belivuk were left without powerful protection in some state bodies. “They had a foothold, but obviously there were changes and their logistical connections failed,” Dacic said on Pink television, expressing …

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EVERYTHING CLOSES AT 18! The government has adopted 7 NEW PROTECTION MEASURES against the CROWN, and this is what Minister Lončar (KURIR TELEVIZIJA) says

[ad_1] The Serbian government has prescribed new measures, which will take effect on Tuesday. The Minister of Health, Zlatibor Lončar, announced that the stricter measures will last ten days, after which it will be seen if they contributed to improving the situation. The first of the measures consists of shortening …

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