Tag Archives: problems

The police first noticed that something was wrong with the decal, and then problems began to arise – they realized who was behind the wheel!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/EN DATE AND TIME: 08.03.2021. 13:02 – 08.03.2021. 13:24 The driver was detained at the official police facilities and will be charged with the corresponding misdemeanors. Traffic police, Photo: Hello! / Masanori Yoshida Members of the Interior Ministry, the Traffic Police Administration, with the help of cameras in …

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I’ve had problems since I know it myself!

[ad_1] Host Nina Radulović contracted the corona virus during the summer, which is why she was in hospital and then had another health problem. That is, Nina struggled with a herniated disc for many years, which is why she was recently operated on and is now in the process of …

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