Tag Archives: Prizren

THIS IS HOW PATRIARCH IRINEJ SPEAKS ABOUT KOSOVO: Imperial Prizren and the Peja Patriarchate will never be out of Serbia, the situation is changing in our favor

[ad_1] He was a professor at the Prizren seminary in 1959-1968. year, and rector from 1971-1974. years. He always emphasized that the Serbian people could not accept that Kosovo was outside of Serbia. – Yes, Imperial Prizren, where Milutin and Dušan reigned. That the Patriarchate of Peja, which is the …

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“OPEN PROPAGANDA” The diocese of Raska and Prizren reacted harshly to the scandalous text claiming that the monasteries of the Nemanjić period are ALBAN HERITAGE

[ad_1] The diocese of Raska and Prizren, on the occasion of yesterday’s article in the Pristina Koha newspaper in which it stated that “the Serbs appropriated the Albanian medieval monuments in Kosovo”, said that such writing “openly and openly spreads ethnic hatred and religious towards the Serbian people in Kosovo …

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