Tag Archives: PREVENTED

The bombing of Serbia was supposed to be in 1992. The only friend of the Serbs in the West prevented it: You will not kill them while I am alive! And soon he died …

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/DN DATE AND TIME: 21.09.2020. 22:00 – 21.09.2020. 22:07 Cyrillic, Photo: Screen Printing Guests of the Cyrillic show, leader Milomir Marićthey recalled during the conversation about NATO aggression pact on the FRY, while revealing little-known details about the West’s plans for the Serbs. The journalist and correspondent for …

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THEFT PREVENTED IN REPEATED ELECTIONS IN SABAC: Did they try to steal bags with electoral material and transfer them to Zelenovic’s car? (VIDEO)

[ad_1] A car with electoral material from the village of Sevarice was reportedly intercepted there. The vehicles that transported the voting material to the Sabac Municipal Administration building after the polls closed, were under the watchful eye of the main rivals, the SNS and “Together for Serbia”. Especially since these …

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