Tag Archives: pressures

Vučić: Serbia will resist all pressures from the mafia

[ad_1] President Aleksandar Vučić estimated that Serbia will resist all pressures from the mafia and win over those who think that with the help of the mafia they can rule the country for someone else’s account and interest, adding that there are no such attempts to overthrow the state. without …

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WANTS TO DESTROY RS, COUNT ON WAR: Dodik warned Vučić about the threats from Sarajevo, which coincide with Western pressures on our country

[ad_1] And in these new attempts to extinguish Srpska, there is even a “war option”. Yesterday, during a private conversation lasting almost two hours, the Serbian member of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Milorad Dodik, openly warned President Vučić about these new and dramatic challenges that Serbia and Serbia …

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