Tag Archives: pointed

‘THE GIRLS WERE SACRIFIED!’ HIT TVIT guests pointed out that the actresses made an EARTHQUAKE, because they denounced Miko Aleksić, for which they pointed out: ‘HE IS NOT A TEACHER!’

[ad_1] Actress Milena Radulović accused her acting teacher Miko Aleksić of sexual harassment, and after that she was denounced by actress Iva Ilinčić, as well as other girls. This topic moved Serbia, and this was also discussed on tonight’s “Hit Tweet” program. Otherwise, Mika Aleksic There is an acting school …

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“HE DRESSED ARMOR AND POINTED A GUN AT ME” The head of the Zagorje clan arrested for kidnapping a teenager, a young man revealed that a black “Audi” was waiting for him in front of the house

[ad_1] Radoslav Gile Stanisic was arrested this morning after a brief search of the report of a 17-year-old boy whom he kidnapped yesterday and, threatened with a pistol, asked him to hand over the encrypted phone that he allegedly had in his possession. According to the allegations in the report …

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I pointed out a project that is directed against our country

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/DS DATE AND TIME: 08.10.2020. 19:20 Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Alo.rs The Commissioner for Enlargement arrived in Belgrade, where he personally presented the report on Serbia’s progress and the Economic and Investment Plan for the Western Balkans. The meeting was held in the Presidency, where Aleksandar Vučić addresses the …

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