Tag Archives: Party

The third party does not have the right to veto this process!

[ad_1] Photo: EPA / VALDA KALNINA “The decision depends on each of the countries applying for NATO membership and the 30 member countries. No third party has the right to intervene or veto the process,” Volksted told Avaz of Sarajevo. The Russian embassy in Bosnia and Herzegovina recently announced that …

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Draža Petrović column: Red Lantern Party

[ad_1] In those columns “It happened on this day” of January 1, it should be written: “Ivica Dačić was born, a man who lost his sense of taste and smell 30 years ago, and it is not a crown. They do not know what it is.” His loss of sense …

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Gianni and Sladja opened the doors of a luxury home for Pink.rs! The Trajković are celebrating a silver wedding in 2021, and they are also preparing a GALA party! One thing still does not give peace to the singer’s wife, and it concerns her illegitimate son and grandson! (PHOTO)

[ad_1] They want to leave everything ugly that happened to them in 2020, and in 2021 they will celebrate 25 years of marriage and celebrate the wedding of their first-born and the birth and baptism of their grandchildren. Famous popular singer Radiša Trajković Đani and his wife Sladjana Trajkovic opened …

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