Tag Archives: pain

UNCONSCIOUSNESS, CHEST PAIN, FOUR DAYS OF EMERGENCY … Doctors on the consequences that a man from Vranje who received a “disintegration” of the vaccine could have

[ad_1] The news that Sladjan Antic from Vranje received two “disintegrated” vaccines against the corona virus raised a lot of dust in the public. While the decision to remove the director of the Vranje Health Center is coming, Antić complains about the symptoms he feels after being vaccinated with both …

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“FROM MAXIMUM STRENGTH YOU FEEL TIRED, PAIN …” Alexander is a young anesthesiologist, he has been fighting for patients since the first day of the epidemic, and then a colleague called him and said: “You are positive!”

[ad_1] As one of the youngest anesthesiologists in my 30s, I began the fight against corona, day by day, according to plan and schedule. I didn’t think of anything other than saving as many lives as possible. No matter how hard we try in all fields, the virus certainly lives …

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HERE THERE WERE NO CROWNS In the town near Shida, everything is “overflowing” with work, they say they have never been better, they grew 10%, they were looking for more workers, but they also have their PAIN

[ad_1] Although it sounds incredible for someone to tell you that 2020 was one of the best years so far, there are cases of this type. And we are not talking only about individuals and companies, but about the place and city in Serbia where they claim that the previous …

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