Tag Archives: paid

Who and where went to private parties last weekend, paid the fine?

[ad_1] Since mid-November, when the implementation of the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases began, 770 infraction orders have been issued. Last weekend, both in Belgrade and in the mountain centers, the measures were violated. There were gatherings and parties. The inspectors and the communal militia …

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Here is who will be paid another minimum

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/EN DATE AND TIME: 10.12.2020. 10:55 A list of companies that will be paid another minimum wage has been published. Money, dinars, Photo: Shutterstock The Tax Administration has published a list of economic entities that have exercised the right to non-reimbursable funds in accordance with the Decree on …

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The leader of the Zoran Jaksic clan dug a tunnel to escape from the prison: the police discovered an infernal plan, the secret passage paid half a million dollars! (VIDEO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs / Kurir / MG DATE AND TIME: 08.12.2020. 19:57 Zoran Jaksic, before being released under house arrest, planned to escape from “Castro” in Peru, through the underground passage between the casemates and his own restaurant. Photo: Printscreen Zoran Jaksic de Zrenjanin, one of the alleged leaders of …

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