Tag Archives: number

This is the main reason for the increase in the number of infected people!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Novosti/NA DATE AND TIME: 16.10.2020. 16:59 KBC Bežanijska kosa Director Marija Zdravković stated that HIV positive patients, transplant patients, diabetics and cancer patients can have special complications when infecting the corona virus. Darija Kisić Tepavčević, Photo: Printscreen / Alo.rs Deputy Director of the Trampoline Institute Darija Kisić Tepavčević …

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“A SMALLER NUMBER OF PEOPLE WITH HEAVY CLINICAL FRAMEWORK CAN BE DECEIVED” Tomorrow, crisis personnel for the fight against corona virus, Dr. Janković reveals what the FIRST MEASURE could be

[ad_1] A state of emergency and curfew have been introduced in some cities and countries in Europe due to the explosion of the corona virus. The situation in the region is also worrying, Serbia has been surrounded by hotspots for weeks. The Crown is ready for another coup, and are …

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