Tag Archives: Nikola

RELEASED FROM SANITARY AND – MISSING: After being beaten with truncheons, his life was saved in Belgrade, and in Valjevo Nikola J. (29) “abandoned” treatment

[ad_1] Meanwhile, the investigating judge ordered the arrest of Miloš R. (22), Nenad J. (25) and Bojan P. (42) from Valjevo, suspected of beating him, for up to 30 days. From the Valjevo hospital, Nikola J. was transferred in critical condition to receive treatment at the Military Medical Academy, where …

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Nikola crashed a golden Porsche in Belgrade, and now he says: People were drawn to my lifestyle, fast driving, easy women, money. It is the dream of every man …

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Telegraf/IL DATE AND TIME: 05.11.2020. 22:33 Notes that their actions are often and intentionally provocative. Nikola Keljanović, Photo: Printscreen Nikola Keljanović (21) was the center of attention when he was filmed a few days ago near Delta City, where he crashed a long-driving golden “Porsche”. After the strong …

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