Tag Archives: Nestorovic

Branimir Nestorović is known!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Telegraf/NA DATE AND TIME: 01.01.2021. 20:16 Danica Grujicic, Photo: Screen Print / First Dr. Danica Grujicic said that many innovative cancer drugs have been included in the list, but that genetic analysis of tumors is very important. “Many innovative drugs have made the list. But what patients need …

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Dr. Nestorović became YOUTUBER – alo.rs

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Objektiv/NA DATE AND TIME: 27.12.2020. 20:48 Branimir Nestorović, Photo: Printscreen / Happy Former member of the crisis staff of the Republic of Serbia for the fight against Kovid-19, pulmonologist Dr. Branimir Nestorović has found a new occupation since he recently retired. That is, one of the most famous …

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