Tag Archives: Mission

VIOLET’S BODY FOUND WITH 40 STICKS A Serbian accused of his murder was awaiting extradition, and the day before the crime he was RELEASED FROM CUSTODY, it is being examined if there was a MISSION OF THE AUTHORITIES

[ad_1] A Serb, David G., 26, who stabbed to death his girlfriend Violeta R., 38, in June in the German city of Hagen, committed the crime just a day after being released from extradition prison , where he was awaiting extradition to Serbia. The German media write that the omission …

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The former director of the DB has a SPECIAL mission in jail

[ad_1] Radomir Markovic (74), former head of State Security, who is serving a 40-year sentence in “Zabela”, became a storekeeper and takes care of the clothes and bedding of the convicted persons. The 1990s Keeper of Secrets from the time of Slobodan Milosevic conscientiously carries out his work in the …

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