Tag Archives: Milanović

Milanovic hopes the constitution will be rejected

[ad_1] Today you may incur higher costs than planned. Oscillations in the field of finance are possible. You are about to meet a person … You have fairly high expectations of your current job. You may not be achieving everything you imagine. A loved one is trying to please you …

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Milanović napustio skup (VIDEO) – alo.rs

[ad_1] AUTHOR: sputniknews.com/Alo.rs/D.N. DATUM I VREME: 05.01.2020. 11:26 Hrvatska danas slavi „obljetnicu Bljeska“, iako se radi o akciji u kojoj je ubijeno 283 Srba, a proterano 15,000 iz zapadne Slavonije Photo: Printscreen Youtube Obeležavanje godišnjice akcije „Bljesak“, u kojoj su iz zapadne Slavonije proterane i ubijene na stotine Srba, započeto …

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