Tag Archives: Messenger

Messenger in a place of fear and horror! READ IN THE MAIL

[ad_1] Photo: Kurir, Starsport, Nemanja Nikolić Veljko Belivuk’s arrested group, named Velja Nevolja, is suspected of abducting, torturing and killing people in rented cabins near Loznica, Kurir learned. In these places, members of this group, according to our information from the investigation, cut off heads and tongues and smashed the …

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ACCELERATED MODERNIZATION OF SERBIA: Did Vučić announce negotiations on the construction of the Belgrade-Niš high-speed railway? (KURIR TELEVIZIJA) – Messenger

[ad_1] ACCELERATED MODERNIZATION OF SERBIA: Did Vučić announce negotiations on the construction of the Belgrade-Niš high-speed railway? (COURIER TELEVISION) Courier Frushkogorski Corridor in record time – until March 2024, Vojvodina Radio-Television VUCIC AFTER SIGNING THE FRUSKOGORSKI KORIDOR CONTRACT: Starting in 2024, we will travel from Loznica to Novi Sad by …

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The messenger publishes a letter from Igor Žeželj

[ad_1] After today’s session, the Council for the Fight against Corruption issued a press release for the first half only, probably due to the continued pressure it is under from the United Group. Unlike the Sholak media, we have nothing to hide. Below we publish the full official letter that …

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