Tag Archives: means

TWO NEW MEASURES ARE MORE AND MORE CERTAINTIES: The virus is expected to break out during the holidays, and this is what it means for our people from abroad who would then go to Serbia

[ad_1] In the next session of the Medical Crisis Staff, the main topic could be the return of our citizens from abroad for the next vacation. Our interlocutors say that it is increasingly true that two measures await them. Will the borders be closed? And are this or some related …

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TWO NEW MEASURES ARE MORE AND MORE CERTAINTIES: The virus is expected to break out during the holidays, and this is what it means for our people from abroad who would then go to Serbia

[ad_1] In the next session of the Medical Crisis Staff, the main topic could be the return of our citizens from abroad for the next vacation. Our interlocutors say that it is increasingly true that two measures await them. Will the borders be closed? And are this or some related …

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Now everything is known down to the details of the new law: what the home quarantine means, how long it lasts, how much salary he receives while in it.

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs / Telegraf / MG DATE AND TIME: 07.11.2020. 16:50 The home quarantine measure can also be applied to passengers in international traffic entering the Republic of Serbia Photo: Shutterstock The reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which will toughen the …

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WHAT EXACTLY DOES THE PROHIBITION ON GATHERING MORE THAN 5 PEOPLE MEAN? Dr. Kisić explained to some extent how the new measure will be implemented! This is what it means for cinemas and theaters

[ad_1] We have decided to reduce the number of people who can meet indoors and outdoors, which has so far been limited to 30 and now has been reduced to 5 people – said Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević today and thus confirmed the findings that “Blic” already posted today. She …

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“When 10,000 infected people walk the streets of the city, it is better to stay home!” Dr. Kon is persistently asking for a BAN to be introduced, this is what it means and what it means

[ad_1] Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon has been persistently emphasizing in recent days that “we need a ban on contacts,” and yesterday he appealed, especially to belgraders, to act as if a “motion ban measure was in place. “. What exactly does it mean to ban contacts? Is it just a …

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