Tag Archives: masks

Kon: There are very likely restrictive measures, wear masks

[ad_1] Epidemiologist Predrag Kon said that “very likely” at some point restrictive measures will be introduced in the fight against the coronavirus epidemic, and that now the most important thing is to warn citizens to avoid concentrations and wear protective masks. During his guest appearance on Serbian Radio and Television, …

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The number of hospitalized grows, appealing to citizens to wear masks

[ad_1] 08:09 The kindergarten in Aleksandrovac is closed as of today. The children’s institution “Nasa radost” in Aleksandrovac will not work from today, because a worker employed in the kitchen tests positive for coronavirus. All the children are fine for now, and the Krusevac Public Health Institute’s recommendation was made …

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We don’t have time to calm down, WEAR MASKS!

[ad_1] Epidemiologist Predrag Kon, a member of the crisis staff, appealed again to citizens to wear masks, emphasizing that this measure, while keeping its distance, provides the best protection against the coronavirus. “We don’t have time to calm down, wear masks,” Kon wrote on Facebook. Epidemiologists have been warning for …

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DRASTICALLY INCREASE SANCTIONS AND AUTHORITIES Police officers will punish those who do not wear masks, and this is what litters of contagion await CLUBS

[ad_1] Ordinary police officers will immediately sanction not wearing a mask, and communal militiamen and communal inspectors will also have the authorizations of the sanitary inspectors. This means that they will be able to sanction any breach of anti-epidemiological measures, from the lack of respect for physical distance by not …

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