Tag Archives: LOT

Dino Radja couldn’t stand the UGLY COMMENT about Djolet Balasevic! “The Suebi did a lot more shit, so now we kiss their ass when they come. How long do you advise us to hate each other? Well, I’m asking you for advice …”

[ad_1] Many sad people were seen in Novi Sad last weekend at George Balasevic’s farewell to eternal rest. The famous singer-songwriter passed away during the previous week, leaving behind numerous songs that will be heard for years and decades. Many athletes also cried, and the legendary Croatian basketball player Dino …

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They cost less than 5,000 dinars and bring a lot

[ad_1] Last year interrupted many plans and brought uncertainty in every way: private, commercial, financial … Some planned trips did not happen, some purchases were postponed and people are worried about work and income in the next period. The priorities have changed, but that’s why there are some smart financial …

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