Tag Archives: kids

“It’s check time, the kids probably won’t have to”

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Tanjug; DK DATE AND TIME: 04.12.2020. 12:47 Children will likely not be vaccinated at all, said epidemiologist and crisis staff member for corona virus suppression, Dr. Predrag Kon. Predrag Kon, Photo: Tanjug He added that the decision to vaccinate children will be last on the agenda because they …

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WE DISCOVER Schools are moving ONLINE, but not all students! Here is the option that is on the table, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO KIDS GARDENS, what will happen to elementary students and what will happen to high school and college students

[ad_1] School classes could, due to the worsening epidemiological situation, undergo certain changes. Several options are being considered, the safest of which is that currently the oldest classes are online, and the youngest still go to class in the classroom, “Blic” has learned. Based on our information, the final decision …

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They fool each other, and the kids are NOT with them!

[ad_1] Photo: print / premiere screen The controversial couple Marko and Divna Milanović made themselves known to the public by participating in the reality show, and after that they withdrew completely from the public. Divna and Marko live in the town of Dubnica near Svilajnac, and after three years of …

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