Tag Archives: Karic

SHE DIDN’T KNOW WHAT TO DO FROM THE SUFFERING … Ivana Šopić spoke live on RED TV about the conflict with Osman Karić, so she admitted if she would be IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A DIVORCED JANJUŠ! (VIDEO)

[ad_1] Life Couch has become a hot couch. Ivana Šopić in RED TV-In the code Pande i Kendija at the show “I ask for another” He also talked about his love life. On that occasion, she pointed out that she has suitors, after the show’s hosts exposed her. Photo: RED …

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THE EUROPEAN UNION COMBINES THE WORKS OF BOGOLJUB KARIĆ! Investigations into money flows and SECRET RELATIONS with Lukashenko are underway!

[ad_1] Photo: EPA / ALEXEY NIKOLSKY / SPUTNIK / KREMLIN MANDATORY POOL CREDIT, Dado Đilas The Karić family company “Dana Holding” was the subject of an investigation by European countries due to its relationship and business with the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, reported the Euobserver portal. Namely, the authorities …

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OTKRIVENA TAJNA PORODICE KARIĆ! Evo po kome je Osman Karić dobio ime i zašto je PREKRŠIO TRADICIJU kada je krstio svog sina Stefana! (PHOTO)

[ad_1] Stefan Karić odavno je poznat javnosti kao veliki zavodnik, ali je pravu i veliku popularnost stekao učešćem u aktuelnoj sezoni “Zadruge”, najgledanijeg rijalitija na ovim prostorima, gde je trenutno u vezi sa Ivanom Šopić. Međutim, neko ko je pored njega stekao veliku popularnost i interesovanje javnosti jeste njegov otac …

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