Tag Archives: invest

Vui: We expect a major German investor to invest in Valjevo

[ad_1] Belgrade – Serbian President Aleksandar Vui said that Serbia is currently building four roads. Source: B92 Monday, 12/28/2020 | 13:22 -> 13:35 Photo: Tanjug / Instagram BUDUCNOSTSRBIJEAV Vui hopes that one of them will be completed next year. “It’s a 31km section between aka and Poege,” Vui told a …

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In no way invest money in such Internet programs!

[ad_1] Photo: Shutterstock, Ana Paunković Bogdan Ilić, better known as Baka Prase, became, intentionally or accidentally, part of the alleged international fraudulent cryptopyramidal scheme, users of the Redit site write. They announced that YouTuber is promoting this way of investing money, which is supposedly why he recently traveled to Dubai. …

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