Tag Archives: infected

Another brought the virus to school and infected a friend!

[ad_1] The first case of coronavirus transmission among students was confirmed yesterday at the “October 20” primary school in New Belgrade! First, the second-grader had a fever, was tested and confirmed positive for kovid 19, and after five days, the presence of the virus was found in a student from …

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THE CROWN BOMB REACHES SERBIA: More infected due to tourists from Montenegro and Croatia – Vecernje Novosti

[ad_1] THE CROWN BOMB REACHES SERBIA: More infected due to tourists from Montenegro and Croatia Vecernje Novosti SURVEY: Should QUARANTINE OR SELF-INSULATION be introduced for returnees from Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia? Flash Crisis personnel are considering the introduction of quarantine Hello! New measures are being considered: What is …

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KORONA CROSS SECTION IN SCHOOLS The following shows how many students are infected in total, how epidemiologists assess the situation now, and when the ALARM IS ON

[ad_1] The coronavirus appeared on September 1 in a school in Belgrade, and in the following days information began to arrive from other cities, first Kragujevac, then Nis. For now, according to the available information, these three cities are the only ones in Serbia that register cases of notches or …

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