Tag Archives: home

Another HOME LAB for drug production was discovered

[ad_1] Unpleasant surprises await you, beginning with the postponement of some meetings and others that do not progress in the desired direction. Communication with a loved one is poor. … You are quite communicative, organized and hardworking. Business is doing well, but some colleagues are jealous of its success. You …

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Now everything is known down to the details of the new law: what the home quarantine means, how long it lasts, how much salary he receives while in it.

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs / Telegraf / MG DATE AND TIME: 07.11.2020. 16:50 The home quarantine measure can also be applied to passengers in international traffic entering the Republic of Serbia Photo: Shutterstock The reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases, which will toughen the …

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Pupils, students, and toddlers home next week!

[ad_1] The crown has not surrendered for days, in the last 24 hours we have up to 2,281 infected and 11 victims, so a session of the crisis headquarters is scheduled for today. Prof. Dr. Branislav Tiodorović tells Kurir that the crisis headquarters will consider that students from all primary …

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“When 10,000 infected people walk the streets of the city, it is better to stay home!” Dr. Kon is persistently asking for a BAN to be introduced, this is what it means and what it means

[ad_1] Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon has been persistently emphasizing in recent days that “we need a ban on contacts,” and yesterday he appealed, especially to belgraders, to act as if a “motion ban measure was in place. “. What exactly does it mean to ban contacts? Is it just a …

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