Tag Archives: heroin

Eight fell for heroin and marijuana! (PHOTO, VIDEO)

[ad_1] BELGRADE – Members of the Belgrade Ministry of the Interior, in several separate actions, seized around eight kilograms of marijuana and more than half a kilogram of heroin and arrested NZ (1988), IS (1996), AC (1989), AD (1992 ), U.Đ. (2000), DS (1995) and AG (2000) due to the …

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“I FOLLOWED HIM TO THE TERRIBLE FOREST AND DELIVERED PACKAGES THERE, BUT I DIDN’T KNOW …” Tocilo alleges in court that he did not smuggle heroin and cocaine, but his ASSOCIATE SAID EVERYTHING

[ad_1] Mladen Novaković, alias Tocilo de Mladenovac, accused of smuggling cocaine and heroin, defended himself in court yesterday by keeping silent, saying only that he “does not want to present his defense”, that “he is not guilty” and that “he will not answer questions”. However, Velibor Cvetkov, who is accused …

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