Tag Archives: heads

Vučić did not disturb the public with photos of severed heads

[ad_1] At the session of the Electronic Media Regulatory Body on Tuesday, it was concluded that Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić did not disturb the public by recently broadcasting photos of severed heads on more than ten domestic televisions, including those on national frequency. Said the president of the REM Council …

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(ANNOYING CONTENT) ‘DISGUSTING AND SCARY’ SUBMITTED TORTURE PHOTOS: Decapitated bodies with traces of torture and ill-treatment, severed heads, seized long barrels and snipers

[ad_1] The content is not suitable for children under 18 years of age and people with sensitive health problems. Photo: Tanjug / Rade Prelić At the press conference, after the National Security Council session, disturbing photographs were shown to the public. Interior Minister Aleksandar Vulin stated that this is being …

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Three heads of the General Hospital of Novi Pazar were fired

[ad_1] Up to three specialist doctors from the General Hospital of Novi Pazar have been removed from the position of head of the department in the last two months. First, the head of the infectious diseases department, Lejla Ćeranić, was replaced, and then Džemail Detanac was removed from the position …

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