Tag Archives: happen

The famous scientist predicted the catastrophe in 1972, arrived in Belgrade and said: “The end of the world will happen in 2020” (PHOTO)

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/ Index.hr/ MG DATE AND TIME: 10.12.2020. 18:01 Photo: PrintscreenYoutube “Around 2020, there will be a sharp decline in population growth and the extinction of animals and plant vegetation. The inhabitants of our planet will suffocate in smog around 2000, and a large percentage of carbon dioxide in …

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CURRENTLY ONLINE EXAMS ARE NOT POSSIBLE Discussion about teaching and the work of teachers during the epidemic, this is what will happen with accreditations

[ad_1] Faculties switched very quickly and successfully to online teaching due to the unfavorable epidemiological situation. The problem is the organization of exam deadlines because exams cannot be taken outside of the higher education institution. Furthermore, the problem is the accreditation of faculties whose deadline for submitting documentation expires. This …

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WE DISCOVER Schools are moving ONLINE, but not all students! Here is the option that is on the table, WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO KIDS GARDENS, what will happen to elementary students and what will happen to high school and college students

[ad_1] School classes could, due to the worsening epidemiological situation, undergo certain changes. Several options are being considered, the safest of which is that currently the oldest classes are online, and the youngest still go to class in the classroom, “Blic” has learned. Based on our information, the final decision …

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