Tag Archives: Goran

LEFT THE MUP AS SOON AS VULIN ARRIVED: Other suspicions related to Goran Papic are being investigated, including his role in the President’s wiretapping.

[ad_1] At the time, the Belgrade police were headed by Milan Stanic, who most likely will appear as a witness in this investigation. By the way, Papić ended his employment in the Serbian Interior Ministry immediately after Aleksandar Vulin was appointed Interior Minister. He was considered a close associate of …

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He is also a suspect in the disappearance of Goran Veličković fans!

[ad_1] Photo: Kurir, Starsport, Zorana Jevtić As Kurir learns, the Organized Crime Prosecutor’s Office charged Veljko Belivuk’s team, better known as Velja Nevolja, with the liquidation of Red Star fan Zdravko Radojevic and Pink Panther Miljan Ljepoja, and the liquidation of the fan leader of the Partizan, Goran Velickovic. – …

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