Tag Archives: GDP

Tabakovic: public debt is certainly below 60 percent of GDP

[ad_1] The Governor of the National Bank of Serbia, Jorgovanka Tabaković, declared that the public debt of Serbia amounts to between 56.7 and 57.8 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, and calculated that the debt is “secure below 60 percent. hundred”. He told Serbian radio and television that one of …

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The Office of Statistics of the Republic estimated the fall in GDP

[ad_1] The Republic Office of Statistics estimates that economic activity in Serbia in 2020, as measured by GDP trends, registered a decrease of 1.1 percent compared to 2019. Source: Tanjug Wednesday, 12/30/2020 | 14:15 Photo: Depositphotos, uroszunic Gross fixed capital formation fell 2.8 percent in real terms, compared to the …

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Serbia to overtake Croatia in terms of GDP next year

[ad_1] Serbia will not recognize Kosovo’s independence as long as I am president, Aleksandar Vučić said tonight on the special program “First issue”. – I think the best question is whether or not you are in favor of recognizing Kosovo’s independence. So the answer would be yes, yes and no. …

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GDP drop much less than feared – Economy

[ad_1] The National Bank harshly attacked international organizations for deliberately making pessimistic forecasts about the movement of the Serbian economy. “Comparative review and comparison of the projections of the National Bank of Serbia and certain international financial institutions: objectivity, intention or something else?” By: M. ObradovićOctober 10, 2020. 16.34Modified: 16.34 …

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