Tag Archives: GANG

The Velja Nevolje gang could not work without someone from the SNS! Some politician provided the logistics for everything. READ IN THE MAIL

[ad_1] Photo: Stefan Stojanović MONDO, Damir Dervišagić The arrest of an organized criminal group from Veljko Belivuk, called Velja Nevolja, opened Pandora’s box. After the arrest of two members of the Ministry of the Interior, who are suspected of being aides of the clan, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić announced yesterday …

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CRIME AS A FAMILY BUSINESS An attacker against an inspector in Novi Sad broke into the villa of the former president of the Czech Republic, and his father was a member of the DANGEROUS DRUG GANG

[ad_1] Dimitrije Stankovic, 43, alias Pipika, suspected of trying to assassinate UN inspectors in Novi Sad during the afternoon, was imprisoned in the Czech Republic for a series of robberies, including in the villa of Vaclav Klaus, the former president of the country, and his father was a member. criminal …

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