Tag Archives: flight

WAS KOBAN A LOW FLIGHT OVER THE VILLAGE? Two military commissions are already working to compile the facts that will lead them to the cause of the downfall of Mig 21

[ad_1] They were tragically killed on Friday morning, on a regular flight assignment, when the plane they were piloting, for unknown reasons, crashed into a nearby stream just above the surrounding houses. These circumstances form the basis of the investigation carried out by two military commissions, one under the authority …

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Pilot Dejan’s flight was the last of his career yesterday

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs / Informador / MG DATE AND TIME: 26.09.2020. 11:51 For Krsnik, this was supposed to be the last flight before retirement, his friends say. Photo: Alo.rs/ Dejan Briza Pilots Major Dejan Krsnik and Captain 1st Class Zvonko Vasiljevic of the 101st Fighter Squadron of the 204th Air …

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“HALF AN HOUR BEFORE THE FLIGHT ZVONKO CALLED ME”: Confession of the murdered pilot’s mother for “Novosti” – I was waiting for him like “frozen sun”

[ad_1] However, no one wanted to believe the worst. It was rumored that the pilot allegedly catapulted into the Čolakovići settlement in Brasina … Everything is unverified, unofficially, which makes the concern even greater and opens the way to dark forebodings, but there was a shred of hope. -Half an …

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