Tag Archives: finished

MINERS BREAK THE LED, JO BAGERISTA FINISHED THE WORK What preceded the appearance of hundreds of thousands of people on the street on October 5 and how the REVOLUTION was carried out

[ad_1] The great coup, which was undoubtedly the fall from power of Slobodan Milosevic, brings with it great stories, heroes, truths, secrets … “Blic” recalls the most important events before and on the day of the revolution. The October 5 protest under the slogan “Serbia in Belgrade” in the center …

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I AM RECOGNIZED IN THE MIDDLE OF NEW YORK! Milica from the Open Doors series works in America today, finished college and had fewer successes.

[ad_1] Sofija Jović Delić became famous for her role as Milica in the series “Open Doors” and won numerous sympathies from the audience. photo: Dado Đilas After the aforementioned series, Sofia left Serbia and went to study abroad. She graduated in theater directing from New York University, then studied psychology, …

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