Tag Archives: eyes

BELIVUK AND MARE KILLED THE BEAUTIFUL PINK PANTHER FOR 24 HOURS! They cut off his ears and dug out his eyes, removing parts of his body in 18 rounds! READ IN THE MAIL

[ad_1] Photo: Kurir, Mondo / Stefan Stojanović A member of the “Pink Panthers” gang, Milan Ljepoja, was brutally tortured the house of horrors in Ritopek A full 24 hours, and his dismembered body was repeatedly taken out of there “opel astrom”. As Kurir learns, the latest details of the investigation …

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THE EU DOES NOT GIVE A VACCINE TO SERBIA BEFORE MAY! The European Commission announced a possible donation of a certain amount of vaccines, just to MAKE OUR EYES BLACK

[ad_1] – We have indirectly received information that the EU has drawn up a plan to carry out an almost complete vaccination of its population and then allow vaccines to be distributed from Kovaks to the Western Balkan countries. And that, according to the calculations of Brussels, will not happen …

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